Google pixel
Pixel Pass + Night Sight Lounge Activation
The Assignment: Google Pixel is the smartest phone on the market with innovative, new features and a best-in-class camera. The problem? Everyone is still beholden to their iPhones. To inspire switchers, Google Pixel wanted to reward potential early-adopters with music upgrades at Live Nation festivals and create a lil phone #FOMO among the Apple crowd, too.
The Idea: We created the Pixel Pass program at Bonnaroo 2019 and GovBallNYC 2019 that gave Pixel users awesome perks like elevated viewing decks, and exclusive access to our activation spaces. Our activation spaces hi-lighted the Pixel’s greatest feature - it’s amazing camera and special ability to take beautiful nighttime shots via the Night Sight feature.
Design + Art Direction Deanna Hjerling
Copywriting Katie Roberts
Creative Direction Nick Davidge
The solution
I created a memorable experience that showed off Google Pixel’s Night Sight by creating a neon art space where festival goers could chill and recharge while taking crystal clear low light photos. I designed the exterior and interior structures, art directed and designed all of the photo stations, and created all the signage and branding.
Initial sketch of the exterior
Final activation